Since I began development of The Webalizer back in
September of 1997, many, many people have been instrumental in the
development, design and direction it has taken. Here is a very
incomplete list, in no particular order:
Of course, none of this would have been possible without all the
fine folks who made Linux a reality.
This, undoubtably, must include the Free
Software Foundation and their GNU project, which produced all
the tools and, IMHO, the best C compiler around. I am a firm believer
in the power of
Open Source Software, and
made The Webalizer open source as well, in my own, very small
attempt, to give something back to the community that made it possible.
These people deserve a great deal of admiration and respect.
- The Apache Group for developing
the best web server on the
face of the planet. If it didn't exist, I probably would have never
bothered writing the program at all.
Thomas Boutell,
David Rowley,
Marcel Wijkstra,
David Koblas and Jef Poskanzer
for their work on making the
gd graphics
library possible, giving The Webalizer it's ability to
produce inline graphics.
All the people who wrote many of the other web server log file
analysis packages. A lot of the design and inspiration came from
programs such as
wusage and
however none were 'just right', which is what prompted
me to write my own from scratch. A lot of the HTML design ideas were
inspired by
http-analyze 1.9e
written by
Stefan Stapelberg.
Some people have even suggested that The Webalizer is a
clone of http-analyze, or visa-versa. I can assure you that it is not,
and while the output produced by both programs may have many similarities,
that is about the only thing they have in common.
Everyone who has submitted suggestions, comments, requests for features,
and all those who have helped find the bugs and make the code more
bullet proof, and able to handle extremely large sites. Far too numerious
to list here... You know who you are and I thank you. I would also like
to thank Tony Schreiber
for making the cool button at the bottom of the most of these pages.
All the individuals who have helped with the language file transaltions.
Unfortunately, there are just too many of you to list here. Please see
the individual language files for credits.
- The people who provided the flag graphic images over at
and make them freely available for use by everyone. I wrote asking
who should be credited for the collection and never received a reply,
but would like to thank them anyway, whoever they are!
- Dejan Jakovljevic and sokowireless who generously donated
the space and bandwidth to host the main
Webalizer site,
along with Aaron Freeman
( and
Thomas Gaume ( (now closed)), who helped us with hosting
in the past.
I would also like to thank everyone else who wrote in with offers
of space and support when I was looking for a new home for the server.
I really do appreciate it, and am glad to know that there are so many
people out there willing to lend a helping hand.
And finally, I would like to thank my wife and family for putting up
with me during all those late nite and weekend programming sessions.
Their understanding and cooperation was probably the best support that
anyone could have given me.
Last modified June 5, 2014 by B. Barrett